
Video production company. We do things. Click me and find out.


“I’m Laurens. Pleased to meet you.”

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The Story of Haze Film

Over the last few years, I”ve been working as a freelance videographer for branding and marketing agencies, as well as my own clients in the craft- and design industry.

I love capturing real stories and striking visuals with an eye for authenticity. Bringing the world of promotional videos closer to cinematic documentaries, yet in a short and powerful package.

I also make short films and short documentaries, notably winning the 2021 Cinespace competition (organized by NASA and the Houston Cinema Arts Society, with special jury member Richard Linklater) with a short film called “Waking Dream”. 

Today, I continue my hunt for real stories in various companies around Europe. Cinematic promotional videos with a stylized, minimalist, and detail-oriented approach that has become so synonymous with Haze Film.


Capturing stories

with authenticity and perspective.

One at a time.


My Background

Half-Dutch, half-Vietnamese, born and raised in Belgium. As a kid, I loved watching movies, drawing, reading comics, and everything else that involved story and visuals. 

My curiosity led me to study Liberal Arts and Sciences at Tilburg University; an interdisciplinary programme that combined humanities, social sciences, business, and law.

During that time, I spent every available moment watching films, which ultimately led me to pick up a camera, and learn all that I could about filmmaking.

After graduating, I continued with a second bachelor in Belgium: Narafi Film School, where I perfected my technical filmmaking skills. As well as two life-changing semesters at the School of Visual Arts in New York, and LUCA School of Arts in Brussels.

And finally, I started Haze Film in 2016 as a vehicle for commercial videography. I’m currently based in Kortrijk, Belgium - and work all throughout the Benelux, France, and Germany.


“Real stories and striking visuals

with an eye for authenticity.